It’s really simply to enter, just take a festive photograph of any of our performers at one of the many Christmas and New Year ‘Mini Concerts’ that are taking place during December. Then post your Yuletide snap on our Facebook page by the 1st January 2019, not forgetting to enter the name of the Care or Nursing Home where it was taken in the comments. The winner will be the photograph/post to our Facebook page that has attracted the most ‘Likes’ by 9.00 am on Monday 7th January 2019. The winning entry will have won the Care or Nursing Home named in their post a complimentary ‘Mini Concert’ to take place in 2019.
To be a valid entry the photograph must include the performer in shot and be taken at the venue on the day of the performance, but the rest is up to you. Photographs can include staff members, relatives, props, and of course the real stars of the shows the ‘residents’ themselves. So dig out your Christmas jumpers, put on those Santa hats, and wear those elf ears with pride. After all it is Christmas!
Don’t forget to share your festive snaps on Facebook, and ask your colleagues, friends, and family to ‘Like’ them to increase your photo’s chances of winning.
Can’t post to Facebook yourself?
Don’t worry, you can still enter. Simply email us your photograph, including the name of Care or Nursing Home’s where it was taken in the ‘subject’ line, and send it to us at and once we’ve it received we’ll upload your entry for you.
Good luck everyone, and may the most festive home win!